Using tops during topping as clones


Hi. I was wondering rather then just trash the tops of my plants, could i use them as clones? All responses highly appreciated.


Yes you can, that is a great way to keep your perpetual cycle going. You can even avoid having to waste precious space and money on keeping mother plants, if you do what you're referring to.

You can root almost any size cutting, but when you top, just make sure the cut you are about to make is the right size for a clone.


Well-Known Member
It's a great way to recycle!

Potshop has a good point. I've got a Kushage plant going into the tenth generation. Size
of the clone is important. I've found that I have best luck if the clone is large enough that
it has a hole in the middle of the stem. If the cutting doesn't have a hole it generally does
not do as well. So get an idea of how thick a stem you need to have a hole.

Position on the plant has bearing also. My book says that clones taken from the bottom of the mother
will root better as they are closer to the roots. This makes sense but I never tested it.

Good luck, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
I just did it with these in the image below.


Left is original seed planted about 70 days ago.
Middle is clone that was 6" top taken at 30 days.
Right is top from top taken 2 weeks ago from first clone.
It has been out of cloner for 2 days.


Active Member
Yeah, I have had really good results doing it. I did it with my last two grows and had 100% survival rate and the cuttings where healthy and strong