Using urea to toxify cannabis


Well-Known Member
l have a problem, thieves. So l want to do something special for them. I figured nitrogen toxicity would make for a fine looking plant, but will burn harsh as all hell. Even resin would be crap, lm thinking. Open to any ideas as l live in Canada and apparently the police will arrest you if you hurt a tresspasser.
So ive got to beat them at thier own game, open to any ideas you may have, l just figured 20lbs of urea in 75gal plastic res as pot, would taste just wonderful. And shed get huge. All the better for them. Anybody, with a better idea. Lets hear it! Please. Why cant they grow their own? I support 3 others and have 4 plant max. Its hard to lose 2 or 3 plants mid october. Landlord wont let me trellis my fence so they can get to my yard fairly easy through various neighbours yards. Open to your ideas.
l have a problem, thieves. So l want to do something special for them. I figured nitrogen toxicity would make for a fine looking plant, but will burn harsh as all hell. Even resin would be crap, lm thinking. Open to any ideas as l live in Canada and apparently the police will arrest you if you hurt a tresspasser.
So ive got to beat them at thier own game, open to any ideas you may have, l just figured 20lbs of urea in 75gal plastic res as pot, would taste just wonderful. And shed get huge. All the better for them. Anybody, with a better idea. Lets hear it! Please. Why cant they grow their own? I support 3 others and have 4 plant max. Its hard to lose 2 or 3 plants mid october. Landlord wont let me trellis my fence so they can get to my yard fairly easy through various neighbours yards. Open to your ideas.
What happens if nobody takes them? Lol
Landlord tore my no tresspass signs down. Hes a prick.
I don't know what the laws are up there, but down here even the lardlord of his own property can be considered a trespasser if they don't give you 24 hours notice. Back when I was a renter my landlord was befuddled when I told her "no you can't come tomorrow morning, I'm having people over and you are required to give me 24 hours notice". She always gave more than 24 hours notice after that. She got really mad when I told her that she couldn't send her boyfriend over to try to fix stuff, because he made my family feel uncomfortable. I don't know if she even knew that he was a Megan's Law Offender or not, but I'm fairly certain that a court would have kept him away from my kids if push came to shove.
I don't know what the laws are up there, but down here even the lardlord of his own property can be considered a trespasser if they don't give you 24 hours notice. Back when I was a renter my landlord was befuddled when I told her "no you can't come tomorrow morning, I'm having people over and you are required to give me 24 hours notice". She always gave more than 24 hours notice after that. She got really mad when I told her that she couldn't send her boyfriend over to try to fix stuff, because he made my family feel uncomfortable. I don't know if she even knew that he was a Megan's Law Offender or not, but I'm fairly certain that a court would have kept him away from my kids if push came to shove.
same here in the uk. 24 hrs notice by law
same here in the uk. 24 hrs notice by law
Yeah, around here landlords like to think they can come and do whatever they want on the property you are renting from them, but the law basically says that while you are renting it from them you have a right to privacy and the freedom to do what you want, so long as it's not illegal. I had to learn all about renter's rights, when that same landlord tried to kick me out so she could sell the place. It took her months to get me out, because I knew the rules and she didn't. I wanted to leave anyway, but was hedging my bets to stay as along as possible, while trying to buy a house of my own. I basically turned her 60-day notice into 6-months of residence. She didn't know how to properly give notice, and I also pointed out to her that I had a least that she was trying to end early. Finally after months she hired a lawyer who threatened a bunch of lawyer expenses and such. I think I would have won if I took it to court, but by that point I was in escrow on my house so bailed before the shit hit the fan. I fkn hated being a renter, and so glad I'm not anymore.