Using Zerotol HC on the root zone in flood and drain?

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
Greetings RIU!

I am ramping up research for my next grow, and I stumbled upon Zerotol HC (CH3CO3H aka Peracetic acid), an organic acid that acts as a treatment or preventative measure for molds, mildews, and fungi. I had to harvest my first grow somewhat pre mature because of poor airflow leading to early stage boyritis on the very top of one of my plants. I have since upgraded to a tower fan that will hang sideways, across from the fan I was using prior, but I digress...

My understanding of chemistry is extremely basic, which is why I have come here for help.

In my system, theres panda film covering the flood tray with rockwool cubes sitting on a coco mat. Due to the success I have had with day time temps around 85 degrees Fahrenheit and the humidity of the root zone, it is a perfect climate for nasty stuff to grow. I remedied this with HTC pool shock in the res and a weekly flush with 5 gallons of water with 25 ml of 34% h2o2.

I am curious if there would be any negative effects to using this in the root zone, either through flushing or spraying, and if anybody knows how long it takes to break down so as to avoid a negative reaction with the pool shock or nutrient regimen. Worst case scenario, I keep using h2o2 in my flush and this stuff remains a foliar treatment.

As always, thank you for your time and input. - TB
Irrigation systems is at the bottem..bottom... but idk if thay applies simce its rated for contaminates...

Ive uesd this product a lot... i wouldn't...unless only for a short peroid of time's pretty indiscriminate oxidizer. Safer in soils and other media it can volitise through..

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Thanks! Have you ever used h2o2? Would you be able to make a general comparison between the two when used at recommended dosages?
We switched from H202 to zerotol so very minimal.

In my experiences keeping tanks good, we never needed too use it in the system., but I'm positive our fertigation applications while similar are different... Grodan, hydro-but media.

We use it to clean out systems and as room sprays for Cleaning... I know people who use it in tanks to control PM but I haven't done it. I can re ask but I believe they said 5ml in a 100 gallon.
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