UV Sterilizer??


Hey guys, SourBud here just wondering what is your guys opinion on them? Are there any good ones you guys can vouch for?

I've got 2 beautiful girls who are 6 weeks into flowering been fighting root problems for what seems like forever! I tried alot including teas, aquashield, great white...nothing seems to work well except H202 daily. Temp is not a problem, always sub 65 and no light leaks. Im just tired of buying h202 and looking for a more permanent solution. Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
Do you have an algae problem? UV is excellent for that,and will take care of free floating pathogens. Did you try using just plain water for a few of days? Aquatop is a good sterilizer, but it will run about $40 on Amazon, and I really don't know if it will help. What's wrong with your roots, What kind of system do you have and do the plants look healthy in general?