Uvc as an antimicrobial

Never tried but was thinking of it. My thoughts are:

-light can not reach inside the buds, where botritis usualy starts.
-its dangerous, be carefull
-shoul be fine for surface and tools cleaning
Thanks for your input dude.

I live in a country where microbial counts are ridiculous.
I thought about putting one light on a rail for a sweep of the room once a day, short duration on a timer with no humans in the room.
I wouldn't use uvc on plants.
UVA and UVB reach the earth surface. Uvc does not. Plants might not be able to deal with uvc.
Bro science here
I have let a whole crop sit under UVC for about 5 minutes. The harvest did stay mold free till the end.
clean jars and lids too
I've used a 32 watt UVC CFL back in 2019ish for treatment of powdery mildew in an experiment. Went over the leaves didnt stay in one place too long. Two days later the plant looked like shlt. The PM went away temporarily and then came back with a vengence cause the plant was stressed. I have however been reading alot on UVC lately and there are some interesting studies I may incorporate into my next grow and grow journal.
Also UVC light in not healthy so use it safely.

Google Says:
UVC radiation can cause severe burns of the skin and eye injuries (photokeratitis). Avoid direct skin exposure to UVC radiation and never look directly into a UVC light source, even briefly. Skin burns and eye injuries from UVC exposure usually resolve within a week with no known long-term damage
Last reaserch i watched says every day 2seconds exposure didnt affect the grow but gave a 60% removal of patogens.they recommend a strobing light if you can works better.

Exposure of an hour every day made the plant sick but gave same antibacterial effects as a few seconds a day.

Led uv should be fake...