V shaped Blades wtf??


Well-Known Member
No its not a clone, and well i use cfls that r not hot at all, but one of em fell and spent a night at the top of the plant, even burned a tip but notn too bad. i already moved lights up yesturday, hope itll get better. Im also gonna add some more micronutrients.


Well-Known Member
what do u mean by she may be at max, they were showin signs of overnutting before (nothing bad jsut some tips) and its been corrected now. still v shapes though (just one plant and all are under same conditions)


Well-Known Member
not nute burn, but high ppm levels. speeds up plants respiration and can cup to conserve or shed moisture. just dial back a hair, the strength that is

DR. VonDankenstine

Well-Known Member
Heat stress shows itself as the leaf blades roll in from the outside edge of the margin then roll inward toward the main vein.(like the old handle bar mustache:lol:). Magnesium def can show itself as a horizontal "V" shape as such in your pics. It is always hard to diagnose a problem from just pictures alone.:-( ---


Well-Known Member
aight man ty, last feeding i used less macronuts and use more micronuts, its been a couple of days since, gonna wait and see what happens,


Well-Known Member
I havent flushed, since they soil theyre in supposedly have lotta nuts and had kinda none that sucked, i figured if i flush ill starve em, what do u all think about flushing?

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
It's mag def. Heat stress causes leaves to curl up and look like a canoe... roll up like a blunt if you will LOL. The V shape is mag def. They are "praying" for mag. Common term in the growing world. BUT IT"S VERY MINOR SO DON'T DO ANYTHING EXTREME.


Well-Known Member
its nothing wrong with that plant its sativa genetics damn stop before his plant is dead its green, no burn signs at all its not curling thats the way sativa grows damn go look at a pur sativa plant


Well-Known Member
well i got 4 of em and thats the only one with V shapes,... that whay i thought its wierd. i already added micronuts, lets see what happens