vac it pro not pulling 28.5-29.5 Any help appreciated!!

Moss logs

Well-Known Member
i recently purchased the 3 gallon vac it pro, it only reaches to 25 so i siliconed around the handles because i thought there was a leak, however i live 550 ft+ sea level. must i go to a lower elevation to achieve full vac? i tried to purged a small trim \ shake run of decent buds\trim and it came out fine purged 15 hours at 25, but it's not stable and i think i need a full vac.
Ya might be as easy as replacing the gauge. I bought a vac chamber off ebay and the gauge it came with was fucked. Went to Lordco (automotive supply) and got one that worked perfectly for $10

If you turn your pump off and seal your valves off your pump should hold the pressure. If the chamber loses pressure on it's own then you know you have a leak.
i recently purchased the 3 gallon vac it pro, it only reaches to 25 so i siliconed around the handles because i thought there was a leak, however i live 550 ft+ sea level. must i go to a lower elevation to achieve full vac? i tried to purged a small trim \ shake run of decent buds\trim and it came out fine purged 15 hours at 25, but it's not stable and i think i need a full vac.

Here at 7200ft, I can only pull -22.5.

Best way to check if you are pulling a "full vac" is to put a cup of water in your chamber and see if it will 'boil' at room temp. If so, you are pulling a full vac. I have the vac it pro chamber as well and a $80 ebay pump. Works great. Also on the vac it pro. when you have a full vac, close the handle and turn off your pump. It should stay at full vac for quite some time. if there is a leak you will know right away because your gauge will start to go down pretty quick.