VACATIONER's perfect water contraption


Well-Known Member
hey guys, would like to share this with all of you who dont know what to do when you must leave for an extensive period of time.

i have a water pump ( in a 5 gallon reseviour filled with nutrients in the water) which is attached to a digital timer, this would turn on for 1 min a day, every other day. The hose breaks off into three seperate hoses, one to each plant's pot. As these pots are sitting directly on top of the reseviour, the excess water falls back into the 5 gallon container.

Thats it, timer for the water pump does all the work, and you can go easily on vacation without having to worry.

it worked for me, any other ideas or plans feel free to post em below i will read em.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a sweet set up. I've never really experimented with this but it sounds like a great way to auto-water your plants. And yes aqua globes aren't that good for our kind of plants, too hard to regulate..