
Depends on where you live. Weed prices kinda tanked so it's hard to do anything legit as a small business, but it can be done. Start with your local laws and what permits/licenses are needed. They're expensive. In my state it's like a $10K application fee to be considered, then upwards from there for actual licenses. Not worth it to me.
Depends on where you live. Weed prices kinda tanked so it's hard to do anything legit as a small business, but it can be done. Start with your local laws and what permits/licenses are needed. They're expensive. In my state it's like a $10K application fee to be considered, then upwards from there for actual licenses. Not worth it to me.
Thanks for reply. been kicking idea around finding out unless you have serious money to start it becomes a no start.
I was in the black market side for decades when the money was great for well grown outdoor weed . Could sell every drop for top dollar and couldn't grow enough . These days you can't give the same weed away and I can buy great bud for a 3rd of what I got back in '90 .

Can't help but miss those wild west days aside from the threat of incarceration . And even that added an adrenaline rush .
Wow, i must've smoked too much back then, i just can't recall dimes.
Used to buy lids or ounce bags in the 60s/70s. Somewhere in there
it all changed to halves, then what was it, 3 finger lids? shit i dun remember.
I seem to recall 12 and 15 dollar bags of some size...i needa get high. :bigjoint:
in NY dime bags were almost always shwag, brick, dirt, mexi.. 10$ or 5$ nickles that looked about the same. Until 2000ish - then came the 20$ a gram 50$ an eighth days, the grams were stuffed in dime baggies..