Vape Juice from MagicalButter Oil Issues


Hello All,

I just tried making my first run of Vape Oil, but really not feeling the effects no head buzz only a slight body buzz and it came out very dark. I've had 4 or 5 friends try it with very mixed reviews.

I was hoping if I covered the process used someone maybe able to help me to see what I may of done wrong.

Steps to Making the Oil.

1) Started off with 2oz of medium grade Buds.
2) Decarb for 35 minutes 240F
3) I placed the Decarb Bud into the Magical Butter Machine (I forgot to completely cool the buds) and added 700 ML of 190 Proof Grain Alcohol.
4) Ran the Machine on 130f 8 hour cycle.
5) Filtered the Tincture into a mason Jar removing the Plant material. Picture Below. Sediment in bottom of Jar which I mixed before removing 1 cup to reduce.

Steps to Making the Vape Juice

1) Took 1 cup of Tincture and reduced it over low heat for about 1hr stirring constantly being left with 7g of thick oil.
2) Added 10ML Flavorless Vapeur Extract as the base to a beaker.
3) Heated the Vapeur Extract to 130f weighting and mixing 5g of concentrate to the Vapeur Extract until completely dissolved with little to no effects when smoking I have now increased it to 7g. The Vape is thick now but still no effects.

Thank you for your time, I hope someone can point me in the right direction.

I love the MagicalButter machine for making Butter but first time making the oil doesn't seem to be working to great.


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It must be impossible to make a Cannabis infused Vape juice with the Magic Butter Machine....The Tempitures are just not there: no SETTING at 180 Fahrenheit ? How could it work? Anyone listing?