Vape pens are the future


Well-Known Member
About 12 years ago I bought my first supposed "vaporizer". It looked like a glass bowl that sat around a soldering iron with a small tray connected at the end. That thing didn't work worth a shit but it may partly be because we had low grade mexi weed.

I've tried the vaporizer which fills up the plastic bag and then you inhale the vapor out of that. It worked better than the soldering iron one but it wasn't great.

I recently bought a hash oil cartridge that hooks up to a regular e-cig, and I love this thing. The hit is really clean and tastes great. Vapor doesn't cash you out as bad as smoke, there is no lighter needed, it's super easy to conceal, doesn't stink too bad, and you can hit it in the wind.

Soon, I'm going to buy the pen that you can use wax in, that way I don't have to worry about buying the propietary cartridges.

I think these things are the future of smoke. What do you think?
The future of smoke? I think you're doing it wrong ;)

I disagree though. Maybe in america where you can buy oils and waxes, but most of the rest of the world just have to just pick up a couple of bags of eweed from their mr man and that's that. The average smoker is not all that willing to go and drop £200 on something like a pax when they can just roll up a joint in a piece of paper and get just as high. In the UK, unless you are a grower or friends with a grower, the notion of oils and waxes doesn't exist, it's spoken of in an almost mythical manner. You're lucky to get genuine hash let alone some wax.
To each their own