Vaping Warning by CDC Should Worry Cannabis Players

Cyanide !!!!!!!!!!!.fuck no way...that's extra. Sounds pretty " the sky is falling " to me. If someone is using pesticides they could be in the whole product line from bud to oil. So this is just scare mongering imo anyway. If you bought bad weed...ya bought bad weed.
Ive read articles that say it's myclobutanil, which converts to hydrogen cyanide when combusted. Same fungicide that one LP got caught using awhile back.
The younger generation has been on vapes for a long time. There are still ones that like dry weed but go to any nightclub, rave, or even downtown at night or during the day and see thc vaping everywhere. Also lots of people vape when driving. You can get oil now for $5/gr if you buy 1kg at a time.
Mmmmmm 1kg of oil. As long as its purged properly and clean
The younger generation has been on vapes for a long time. There are still ones that like dry weed but go to any nightclub, rave, or even downtown at night or during the day and see thc vaping everywhere. Also lots of people vape when driving. You can get oil now for $5/gr if you buy 1kg at a time.
made from what ever floor sweepings there be :lol:
No thanks!


it's FAR CHEAPER WHEN YA DO IT YOURSELF!!!:idea::idea::idea::idea::hump::hump::hump::hump::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed:

If it makes sense for them to sell it at $5 a gram then that speaks volumes about the product they used to make it.
Sorry, pass.

That's how a market works. When there's a monster supply of a product the price drops. Just like the price of weed went up $200-300/lb in the last two months because there's very little around. Between how many people quit growing in the last 6-12+ months and California sucking BC dry there's not much around.
Right now just experimenting with steam distilled D-limonene and mixing it into straight ISO oil. Used 10% mix which worked good for cartridges but some friends wanted to hide as much of the oil smell so trying out 15%. Would be nice to just have straight CO2 oil with 0% additives but don't know anyone locally that is doing it or wants to spend money for the equipment.
Right now just experimenting with steam distilled D-limonene and mixing it into straight ISO oil. Used 10% mix which worked good for cartridges but some friends wanted to hide as much of the oil smell so trying out 15%. Would be nice to just have straight CO2 oil with 0% additives but don't know anyone locally that is doing it or wants to spend money for the equipment.
Yeah a closed loop CO2 system is a big investment.
Yeah a closed loop CO2 system is a big investment.

For the gray market in Canada the time has passed for people putting in 100K+ for extract machines as concentrates have dropped quite a bit in price. What's funny is the illegal market brought it billions into Canada's economy and 100's of millions in PST/GST/Income Tax/Corporate Tax on all the money spent. They brought in the legal market and now both markets have collapsed to a small amount of the money that was being spent in Canada.