Vaporizer - First time switching on and white stinky smoke


I recently got a Vp100 on ebay

Plugged in my vaporizer (1st time owner) and as it heated up I noticed white smoke drifting out of the nozzle where you connect the whip.
At first I thought it was perhaps vapor but after smelling it, it smelt very nasty almost chemically/electrical.

I assume since it was the first time using it that it was burning off factory related chemicals or something but to be on the safe side I haven't touched it since.

Is it normal to have stinky white vapor like smoke without connecting the whip? Am I supposed to let it burn this stuff off for a while before using it?

also, what temperature should I have it set to?

it goes from 0-500f and I had it set to 250f



Well-Known Member
Well, Of course it shouldn't smoke! Try It again at 250f and if it still does that, throw it away. Or inhale plastic and lead/ whatever is in there? Choose yourself.


Well-Known Member
Well from the looks of it, it looks like it is one of those made in china ones. Which I would never trust. However it could be just as you said oils from manufacturing.


Well-Known Member
Well from the looks of it, it looks like it is one of those made in china ones. Which I would never trust. However it could be just as you said oils from manufacturing. Get an Arizer Extreme Q