We, a group of vaporizer enthusiasts from Amsterdam, started a website in 2008 to provide information on the very basics of vaporization.
Now, three years later, with new vaporizer models being introduced all the time, we felt it was time to rebuild our website. On the most recent version we have implemented a review and rating system for over 40 (and counting) different vaporizers.
Unlike some other vaporizer review websites, who are often sponsored or owned by one single store, we allow visitors to compare and rate several stores and vaporizers.
All the general information (what is a vaporizer, Medical use, vaporizer Benefits etc) is still available, and we frequently add articles and news.
If you own a vaporizer, please write a review! To celebrate the launch of our new website, we hold a monthly draw where one lucky reviewer will win a VaporGenie vaporizer pipe.
Any suggestions, questions or remarks are welcomed!
Vape on!
Now, three years later, with new vaporizer models being introduced all the time, we felt it was time to rebuild our website. On the most recent version we have implemented a review and rating system for over 40 (and counting) different vaporizers.
Unlike some other vaporizer review websites, who are often sponsored or owned by one single store, we allow visitors to compare and rate several stores and vaporizers.
All the general information (what is a vaporizer, Medical use, vaporizer Benefits etc) is still available, and we frequently add articles and news.
If you own a vaporizer, please write a review! To celebrate the launch of our new website, we hold a monthly draw where one lucky reviewer will win a VaporGenie vaporizer pipe.
Any suggestions, questions or remarks are welcomed!
Vape on!