veg lights


Well-Known Member
The Metal Hydride uses a light spectrum that is more favorable for the plants in the vegetative stage of growth. HPS is better suited for flowering.

You can use either light for both veg and flower if you want, but you won't have optimal results.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
MH will give you more dense, bushy growth, the HPS will make them grow faster, but you'll need good ventilation to keep the bulb as cool as possible. If you have the light too far away the plants will stretch towards it, cooling the bulb lets you hang the light closer, so the plants will grow better. If you can put your hand a certain distance from the bulb without discomfort, the plants will be fine that far away.
It also depends how much space you have and how many plants you want to grow. The 1000w will cover a 4x4' area, whereas the mh will do for 2x2.


Active Member
In an ideal world, you would use the MH for Veg, and the HPS for Flowering. That is a serious amount of light to not use it, so if you haven't thought about tossing the 1000Watt HPS in your flowering room, then think about it for sure.

Personally, I like the MH simply because it produces fuller plants, which can lead to more budding sites. If you are doing a continuous harvest, your best bet would be a MH in Veg for smaller plants, and the HPS hitting homeruns for you in the Flowering room.