Veg period, flowering period, fertilizer..


Hey guys, im new to this, but i have a couple of question..
Im growing L.A Confidential -----> O.G Kush x Afghans

1-I would like to know when should i start giving her my fertilizers and how often .. ?

2-When do you know you change cycle, from veg to flowering .. ?

3-And how often shoud i give her water, i read that after the sunlight its better .. ?

thanks in advance ! :)


Well-Known Member
I start giving mine nutrients as soon as i take them out of plastic cups, which is 1-2 weeks from seedling. I use a 10-10-10 npk nutrient mix, which i start at quarter strength and work to full strength towards the end of veg. When i induce flowering, i use a 12-55-6 super bloom nutrient mix, once again, i start at 1/4 strength, but i dont work my way to full, i get to half strength towards the middle of flower, then work my way down. As for watering, once the top inch or so of your grow medium is dry, they could use a water, as for how much, alot of people slay water till you see 10% run off, i dont, i water till i just see drops starting to drop out the bottom, i only see 10% run off if im trying to flush imo. For question 2, you can flower as soon as they show signs of sex, but the longer you let them veg, the bigger they will get, and in result more yield.


New Member
give them very light doses of nutrients to start off with.. but that depends on how big your plants are right now.. can you post a picture of your plants?? You change the light cycle to 12/12 when the plants are just under half the size of your grow room.. they stretch and grow almost twice the size once you start flowering. You never water the plants before putting them into the dark.. always water right when the lights come on. are you growing indoor or outdoor? I ask because you mention sunlight haha...


Well-Known Member
thats whats preferred. Thats when the pores of the plants are open, and before the sun goes down is the best time to spray for bugs, because there pores are closed.


Well-Known Member
I would, i keep a gallon of water always filled with nutrient solution. Just because most measure out x amount per gallon. Then after each gallon adjust your npk if/when needed.