veg time vs plant height


Well-Known Member
right im growin 2 x ww x bb nd 1 x eva monster.. been knockin round on ere 4 bout a week readin soakin in da knowlage lol. but i wanna kno......
#1. wots the least amount of veg time???
i kno they can double or more when switchin light cycle but
#2. wot to do if theyre lookin like they gonna go mad??? (i.e can u stun the growth / flower early)

i havent got a lot of room lol (bout double the size of a pc grow) im only a week in nd im thinkin im gonna have to pass a plant onto some1 to look after cos i dont think im gonna have space for 3 of them (sigh lol)


Active Member
ya they generally double it depends on strain though. Go ahead and put them in 12/12 or try to lst for better yields worst case scenario though they just dont flower tell they are rdy

Claude Bawls

Active Member
You can flower a plant at anytime really I would certainly agree that an LST is the way to go. As for transplanting...what size pot are they in now and how big do you want them to get? A good rule of thumb is 1 gallon per foot of plant.


Well-Known Member
theres only lol 3 chief i bthink 1s gonna need a new home eh?? my grow space is 12" x 19" x 31" inch tall


Well-Known Member
yh i kno jiggy im either gettin a tent or convertin a wardrobe for the next 1..... iv seen much smaller grow areas than mine tho


Active Member
1 how much bud are you looking to get from your grow man ?

2 more roots =more bud

3 the area you have i would only have 1 plant i have a dr60 60x60x140 and have two plants and still find it hard to find room i only gave them about 5 week veg

4 how big are your pots 5L 11L

5 what light are you useing


Well-Known Member
1. as much as i can smoke lol erm as much as possible
2. makes sense man
3. yh my pals son may have to take 1 off me which i aint really happy bout but still lol.. iv seen decent pc grows with 2 plants nd good yield... i'll be goin the exact same size tent as urs next grow. i rushed into it abit lol
4. erm dunno goin shoppin for them 2mora with me only havin 31" height in my grow space so im open to input a 200w duel spectrum cfl on its way.. rite now they under a 20w cfl w/homemade reflector


Active Member
well what about a tray rather than a pot get a tray to fill bottom of your area its not the hight i am thinking about its the width

as they get funky bushy


Active Member
have you got nutes? the dr60 is alright but if you have the space get the dr90 just for the hight as i find the 60 a bit small when i have filtter and light in it