veg time


Well-Known Member
Yes vegging matures the plant more. Generally there are more bud sites and larger yields. However vegging is not needed if you want a smaller plants with less yield. See 12-12 from seed.


Well-Known Member
All of the above posts are true, just make sure you have enough light or a bigger plant won't do anything but give you airy bud.


Well-Known Member
And make sure you get not "Auto" strain which turn into flowering state and yields no matter what light cycle you provide. As it happened to me :)))


Well-Known Member
agree, need to think different here, think light and penetrations, even big HID lights dont do much for a plant after 3 feet and only top 1-2 will be top buds, indoors you need to grow small bushes with a even canopy instead of tall plants, train em, top/FIM and/or LST

a SoG is also a option


keep all the Buds even and close to the light, grow many small plants instead of a few big once, Veg 2-4 weeks instead of 6-9, some even go 12/12 from seed

or use a Net over them in a Scrog and grow a few plants and Veg em or longer filling the net, same result with few seeds/plants but longer Veg time