Vegging Indoors Over Winter


What's up guys, new here. Not a completely new to growing, but it's been about 15 years, and back then it was a few guerilla grows and one small indoor tent grow.

I don't even consume cannabis, albeit on the rare occasion. I'm growing again only because now it's legal, I have the space and privacy to grow outdoors on my own property, and I just love seeing how big these plants can get and what they can yield. What I can get off one or two outdoor plants will literally last me 10 years plus, but I just give most of it away.

I've got two plants in the ground and they're very healthy and growing beautifully so far. They've been in the ground only a week, they were clones I got off a friend of a friend, green house started.

My actual question is about either cloning these or starting from seed, but could I veg them indoors over the winter, to get them as large as possible before planting in the spring of next year? It would be 4 plants, I was thinking of getting some feminized non auto flowering seeds, germinating them and vegging them for a few months under some basic t12 led tubes (6@ 4 ft - 2@4000k, 2@5000k, 2@6000k)so they're a few feet by the time I plant them. I was browsing the forum, admittedly not for hours and didn't dive deep, but I didn't see much about what I'm asking. Also I know metal halide or legitimate horticulture LED would be the best, but since I'm just trying to give them a head start for the outdoors, I was thinking I could get away with the lights I have. If I was trying to do a legitimate indoor grow, packing as many plants into an area as possible and going from veg to flower, I would invest in some lighting. Any input from you guys would be helpful. Cheers.