vegging plant budding for no reason


Well-Known Member
so I had a mother plant out side and brought in it well befor it was in flower and for no reason it has started flowering it has been flowering for 3 + weeks while on 24 hour light now the temp in the room is pretty lower 5 to 10 degrees cels

but this mother plant has delt with this befor shes almost 3 years old

what the heck is going on

im work on a new room with better temp just wiered


bud bootlegger
are you sure you brought it in in time? if you just brought it in three weeks ago, i am not sure where you live, but to me that would seem like the right time outdoors to trigger flowering... if you keep her under 24 hours of dark for a long enough period of time, it should revert back to vegetive growth... i have heard that this can take up to a month or longer to revert a flowering plant


Well-Known Member
no I brought it in about 2 months about but for the last 3 weeks maybe a month since teh temps here have dropped it has started flowering