vegging to yield ratio


Well-Known Member
What's up guys. Just as a scenario let's say we are growing a specific strain and using clones. If we vegged this clone to 12 in before flower and our yield is 2 ounces let's say. How much of a difference would the yield be if we vegged until 14 inches. Any logical guesses are welcome


Active Member
Noone has ever wondered how much more that extra day of vegging will get you?

idk man but i can tell u that dudes are not gonna even attempt to answer on this site cuz ur gonna get the same answers man, it all depends. theres too many elements to put into account. lets just say the longer u veg for, the bigger the plant gets, and the more bud. IMO


Well-Known Member
12" with 20 tops or 4?

24" with 40 tops or 5?

6" with 2 tops or 1?

14 tops with 29" and 2 on the side

A foot long for 5 dolla

6" she say not long enough. Gay guy says 6" fine

2 shoes of same color or different shoelaces?

Bagel with schmear?


Active Member
12" with 20 tops or 4?

24" with 40 tops or 5?

6" with 2 tops or 1?

14 tops with 29" and 2 on the side

A foot long for 5 dolla

6" she say not long enough. Gay guy says 6" fine

2 shoes of same color or different shoelaces?

Bagel with schmear?
i laughed so hard... :leaf:


Well-Known Member
12" with 20 tops or 4?

24" with 40 tops or 5?

6" with 2 tops or 1?

14 tops with 29" and 2 on the side

A foot long for 5 dolla

6" she say not long enough. Gay guy says 6" fine

2 shoes of same color or different shoelaces?

Bagel with schmear?
Correct but under all those variables there is an average. We are looking for percentages anyway, not weights. I figure my plants grow a node a day which equals two grow tips. Each of those tips will yield about 5 dry grams. So for me each day equals about ten dry grams. Not too unrealistic to figure out
Trying to stress the importance of not flowering too early.................... Shamus


Active Member
There IS a point of diminishing returns..and dont forget the more tips on the top the less light to the the bottom may only get 2g per tip rather than 5. Still thats 2g more than you had before, and with good lst techniques you can minimize or eliminate blocking.

For every day of veg theres a days worth of sugars and starches created and stored in leaves and roots, new leaves and roots are created to store more...its exactly as you say..every day have to factor in electricity, labour, nutes and drying time for the extra days also...bottom line..just like everything in life theres: Not Enough, Right, and too much.

That being said I am currently undertaking a micro grow. YES I know I could have vegged for longer (hell i could have put it in with the others in the room) But I wanted a tiny tiny budding plant...I joke with her every day telling her i wont smoke her all at once LMAO. So shes topped at her second node then has 2 colas off that. Shes a little Y of buds. Im allowing the 2 "main colas" and the 2 colas from the first node to grow, I will trim any other buds.

Thats novelty though, and besides the point...for a serious no bullshit grow op study your plants growth, when this slows to UNDER a node a day (in your case), you will no longer be gaining more than you are spending.

excuse typos! had a few this morning haha...


Well-Known Member
There IS a point of diminishing returns..and dont forget the more tips on the top the less light to the the bottom may only get 2g per tip rather than 5. Still thats 2g more than you had before, and with good lst techniques you can minimize or eliminate blocking.

For every day of veg theres a days worth of sugars and starches created and stored in leaves and roots, new leaves and roots are created to store more...its exactly as you say..every day have to factor in electricity, labour, nutes and drying time for the extra days also...bottom line..just like everything in life theres: Not Enough, Right, and too much.

That being said I am currently undertaking a micro grow. YES I know I could have vegged for longer (hell i could have put it in with the others in the room) But I wanted a tiny tiny budding plant...I joke with her every day telling her i wont smoke her all at once LMAO. So shes topped at her second node then has 2 colas off that. Shes a little Y of buds. Im allowing the 2 "main colas" and the 2 colas from the first node to grow, I will trim any other buds.

Thats novelty though, and besides the point...for a serious no bullshit grow op study your plants growth, when this slows to UNDER a node a day (in your case), you will no longer be gaining more than you are spending.

excuse typos! had a few this morning haha...
much respect here for that answer, very intelligently written.