Vegging with HPS, and I like it.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I have been growing for almost a year now. Since I upgraded to a 600 for flower and a 400 for veg I was using a metal halide in the veg tent. That is what to do.

I was reading the "ask lucas" thread and he is a very "famous" pot guru. For any up and coming ebb and flow or hydro or even soil I recomend it as required. The whole thing it cover a lot of knowledge and experience.

Anyway Lucas brings up the point that the HPS 400 get 50K plus lumens but that a mh gets 40,000 most. While the spectrum is better for node tightness and greenery that extra 10-15,000 lumens is huge. Maybe even more as some MH barely get 40,000.

So I switched out my MH for my HPS bulb and the brightness was damn fine to see. I dont mind some stretch in veg. I prune anyway.

Just letting ya all know about my day :eyesmoke:
I used a 150 watt hps for veg and it worked great and now i'm using the same one for flowering and again it works great. there are alot of skeptics though still out there.

Brick Top

New Member
If you wanted an equal mix of MH and HPS you could purchase a hybrid bulb that would put off 300-watts of MH and 300-watts of HPS from the one 600-watt bulb.


Well-Known Member
Ed recommends HPS for efficiency in all stages of growth if you are caring for many plants and your main expectation is high yield.


Well-Known Member
I use hps from start to finish with good results. There are those who will disagree with it, but the results speak for themselves.

tea tree

Well-Known Member
this is great that so many have good things to say. Good results. I was just reading the other thread and this nub with no experience but a whole bool learning was quoting all the numbers and they of course favored blue. Great, I figured, mt thread is prob all trashed, but no! Coulda saved my medical ass 80 bucks or so! Plus if you have a cooltube those big 400 watt mh are a pain to clean the glass with, imposeible, to big! I can wipe around the hps if I want. That is some good news.