Vegging yellow drooping


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I was wondering if someone could help me i have a plant who was doing great under 3 cfl energy saving light and then i got a 600 watt hps and ballast for him and soon as he went under that he has started really drooping more and more to the stage where i got up this morning and a few of the leaves was yellow im really worried. I have a big fan on him and he is in coco soil at the present time i am not giving him nutes at this moment in time but i have ordered some coco A and B. I have also noticed white stalks on the bottom of the stalk. The light is 24 inches from the plant please help thank you so much.



Well-Known Member

Hey Smiffy!

- it could be heat stress from the hotter light: vent the hot air from the top of the room; water the plant and spray the leaves with clear water.

- Get your nutes, the yellow is a sign of nitrogen deficiency. Don't over fertilize, get a nitrogen supplement if possible. Use the nutes sparingly, it's natural to over fertilize and burn the plant. You may loose the yellow leaves, not a game ender.

- the plant will look yellower under an HPS - more red end spectrum light than the cfl. Take the plant to a window for good CRI light.

I'm not familiar with growing in Coco, perhaps a thread with that in the title for attention from coco growers.



Well-Known Member

We can really see the leaves turning down in this pic - check out Uncle Ben's moisture stress thread in the stickies at the top of the thread list for this forum.



Well-Known Member
All great points Hobbes...

Don't forget that with the HID lamps, the plants will drink a lot more than FL growers are accustomed to giving. I've read of FL growers going several days without watering, a virtual no no under hot lamps.

keep it real.

Well-Known Member
they look good imo my plants droop at night then the lights are about an hour from turning off and while the lights are off they start to reach back up. i don't think you have a problem i think it might just be that time of the day. if not i would just check the ph and make sure your not over watering. hope i was to any help =]


Well-Known Member
Thank you so much for all your all your answers I have opened the cupboard to let more air in and watering every other day so i dont over water but is it possible to under water and a another question please is there any way i can strengthen the stems on there as it looks a bit weak to start budding thank you all once again.


Well-Known Member

"(I) have opened the cupboard to let more air in and watering every other day"

Smiffy water a pot until a little water runs through the bottom - it's the only way to be sure that the root ball is saturated. Then let the pot dry out until it is light to lift.

Otherwise you could develop dry areas in the bottom outer rim of your bucket and reduce your plants uptake of nutrients and water.

If you soak your root ball and the plant still needs watering every second day then repotting into a larger bucket will make life easier and increase your yield/potency.

Water weighs about 9 pounds a gallon, I use 2 gallons of water once a week in a 5 gallon bucket.



Well-Known Member

Its looking a lot better after two days it is still drooping a bit but there is white hairs coming out of the the top of the plants please could someone explain that thank you.
The white hairs are called Pistils.. they are the female sex organs.. in the making. That's a good sign... you start getting more.. you know that she is flowering.. Auto? Anyway.. yeah.. you need to worry if you see anything that resembles the male genetalia... dicks or balls...