Ventilation for 3x3x6


Well-Known Member
setting up a 3ft x 3ft x 6ft tent with a 4inch 190 CFM exhaust fan (connected to a carbon filter). and maybe 2 ft of duct going out the top. (no silencer)

I am thinking of adding a 90cfm inline fan thats sitting around. Should I add this? How would i dial in the exhaust and the intake fans for this? Would the exhaust run at 100% and intake fan at 25%? Or something like that?

Would i be better off not using the intake fan & just going with a passive system by opening one of the bottom mesh windows? Considering my exhaust fan is 190CFM - what % would i run it at for a passive system using a single mesh window?

If you were lighting with an air cooled HID, you could put the light on its own closed loop with the 4 inch fan.

Then, you could use the 90cfm for an extra exhaust, just for the air exchange in the tent area itself, and the carbon filtration.

You'll have more control over the temps that way.
Thanks for all your help guys

and for those who asked, I'll be running a MARS HYDRO TWS2000

I forgot to mention that due to space issues - 3 sides of the tent will be boxed in.
one side will be next to a smaller tent - i was considering running the intake from the smaller veg tent into the larger one because the small intake holes are lining up perfect together.

If i did decide to use the fan as an intake - how would i dial it in? Would i run the exhaust at 50% and the intake at 50% or 25%? Thanks so much for your help again
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