Ventilation Over-rated?

Let me premise this with the fact that I only have 1 grow under my belt...

When I was in college, I did a closet grow with a 400w HPS light. I used this light from start to finish. Because of my setup, I had ZERO access to fresh air. The only airflow was from oscillating fans in the closet.

I used to pull "all nighters" and smoke cigarettes in my room, with the door closed. Temps were constantly anywhere between 80 - 95 degrees.

I hear everyone preaching how important it is to have fresh air, but in my ONE experience, the fresh air didnt matter. My plants turned out great.

Is ventilation that big of a deal??



Active Member
what kind of weight did you yield off of that 1rst grow, and how high was the potency ?? were you in a dorm? probably had high co2 with alot of people around. me and a buddy were in my room working last night and the co2 ppm shot up to like 2500


bud bootlegger
yah, its not to say that a plant won't grow with no fresh air, but as vk already pointed out kind of, it won't grow to it full potential with no fresh air going to the plants.. they need a fresh supply of oxygen and co2 for them to do their best, same as people really.. i'm sure a kid could live in the closet for a year or two, but the kids not going to thrive like a kid who doesn't live in a closet and has access to nice fresh air to breath..


bud bootlegger
It was white widow and I yielded only about 35 g's off 2 plants.
yah, 35 g's off of two plants under a 400 watt lamp is terrible yields.. that is not even 1/10th of a gram per watt, when a dialed in setup should easily be pulling around over a gram per watt, if not more..