Ventilation question


Active Member
I am currently in the process of setting up a grow room. Doing hydro, using bubbleponics with 16 gal res and ph controller bucket. Decided to use CFL lighting to reduce heat output and of course keep electrical costs down. I really don't want/cant vent from the grow room, which is about 10' x 5' and has no windows. I don't want to really leave the door open for venting because of smell going into rest of the house. I was going to use a oscillating fan to keep air moving inside though. Would this lead me to need a co2 generator? I plan on doing only like 6 plants at a time, quick harvest (24 hr lighting till desired height, then 12/12 for flowering) Any thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Hey Two.... I'm in ur same boat.. if u cant leave it open just try opening few times a day just to get some fresh air in there. As for CFL's...I really like using them for Veg, but ur gonna need A LOT more for flower if ur doing 6 plants. I would really look into getting an HPS. ur gonna use more energy using those cfls. for example i had 3 plants with 14 warm white cfls and my temps went above 100*. Got a 250w hps and more growth appeared and less heat. Remember, ur plants will usually double in size during flower.

Farmer Joe

Well-Known Member
you will have to have a fan in will move the air around and keep cool, it will get warmer in there than u think. you'll have to get hps for flowering, otherwise it will take u so long to get desired results


Well-Known Member
I think i was using 364w for 14 - 26w warm white cfl's..... 250 Hps saves me energy and heat. who would have thunk it....haha

Farmer Joe

Well-Known Member
hell yea...if the hps stays cooler than the cfl's that's awesome. especially since the hps will be better for them anyway


Well-Known Member
i've only used my hps for 3weeks of my flower...and it grew like 8in taller and got wayyyyyyy fattter....i wish i had it from jump street.



Active Member
ok so i plan on getting a hps light then. im considering getting one that is switchable between mh and hps. im looking at growing fast, about 9 week to harvest because i dont plan on moving the plants out of the bubbleponic system so they wont each be getting that big individually...maybe 2 feet...3 feet MAX. so if i theoretically wanted to get about 6 plants on same hydro resivoir to be about 2 feet/3 feet tall a piece...would i need a 400w light or a 1000w light? how much of a high difference is it from a 1000w and 400w?


Well-Known Member
i would go with a 600w, that would be plenty...but the difference between the 400 and the 1000 is, let me see, about 100,000 lumens


Well-Known Member
I use a 400 watt light in a little closet just have a good fan in their open the door and bask in the smelly goodness every couple hours.

1000 watt lights put off some heat dude you could go with 2x 400 watt lights have better light distripution and less heat just a thought.