
Can anyone point me in the right direction to vent my grow box?. I want to integrate a DIY carbon filter and make it as cheap as possible. Can i vent without inline fans? Any help at all will be EXTREMELY useful!


Well-Known Member
depending on the size you can use a large computer pc fan. There are videos on youtube showing you how to mod them so you can connect into the wall. For the Filter you can buy the carbon and make makeshift filter fits over the fan. dont know much about DIY filters but thats the best i got


Active Member
The PC fans diddn't seem to move enough air for my grow tent. I ended up getting 2 = $10 clip on fans from Menards. they worked fantastic and had 2 speeds. I adapted one fan to a 2 1/2" pvc pipe that went outside. The other was fix'd to blow accross the bottom of the light fixture ( HPS ) to keep the plant cool. All that and I still had 85 degree temps at times. Just a couple extra ideas for you.. There are some DIY carbon filters on the internet that can be built for spare change too.


Well-Known Member
idk what kind of lights you're using...but if they're high watt hps you need high power in-line fans. if low watt hps or floros then you'll need comp fans or something equivilent. really you gotta think about how hot can it get in there? whats the worst case senario? then build your ventilation around that.