Vero 29's not running full power


Well-Known Member
So I put together 3 vero 29's (version d, 36v) with an hlg 120h c1400b (151.2w max) and had everything hooked up prior to setting up a proper fixture for it and I had it running just past 150w. Yesterday I got all the parts I needed to wire it up to a fixture and when I hooked everything up it now ran at 140w max. Everything was the same as before minus extending the dc connection to a 4 foot detachable by molex connector wire and a dedicated ac plugin. I just tested it directly to the chips without the extended dc wire and directly into a cord on the ac end and with and without dimming and it still showed 140w. The only other thing is when I was tapping the heatsinks I was stupid on the first one I did and drilled through the hole on the chip with the chip in place and got into the plastic a bit. I see a little bit of exposed copper from that but everything still runs. Could that have messed with the resistance of the chip or is something else possibly an issue? I thought for sure it was a problem with the dimmer but it ran the same with/without it connected in all configurations.
Doesn't really explain why I'm running low though.
When the voltage load on a cc driver goes over what the driver can handle the driver will lower the output amps quite a bit. Iirc that driver is 108V, i checked the datasheet and the gen seven vero is just over 36v at 1400mA: 36v x 3= 108V so your right on the edge of what your driver can handle, add cabling and that extra sliver of voltage and your over.
Sorry replied when I was basically asleep. Guess I didn't consider the chip was a hair over 36, thanks for the replies. Also now I'm more awake and I feel like an idiot :(
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