Vertical vs Horizontal


Active Member
Hey all

I've done a fair share of lurking these past few months during my first grow. I haven't had the need to post much because I always find the answers I'm looking for with a little (edit: A LOT) searching. I'm currently borrowing a friends set up he has used for over a year. Small cabinet, roughly 1.5x3x6ft. I have (as he has always had) 2 plants growing in there under a horizontal 400w hps. I can only borrow this set up for one more grow and am planning on a very simple 4x4x7ft box made entirely out of plywood and lined with mylar space blankets. I plan on purchasing a 600w hps/mh lamp and am very interested in hanging the light vertically.

I am posting in here because I searched and searched but couldn't find facts about hanging the light vertically. I found a bunch of vertical light grows but they consisted of "look how awesome vertical growing is" and "3000+ watt vertical grow" (with many vertical lights throughout a huge room) which was much appreciated but I need some answers now (haha).

My question is would a 4x4x7ft cab with one 600w vertical light work with 2 or 3 or 4 plants? I'm still new at this but my first grow is going quite well and I have 2 massive plants that I am just dying to harvest (although I think I have another 3 or so weeks)

Let me know if this was too vague or anything.

Thanks guys


Active Member
Yes, sort of similar. That's a bit over my head though. I was thinking of putting either 2 plants in opposite corners and hanging the light in the middle or 4 plants in each corner. The 7ft tall cab is so I have room for ducting and ventilation and other things, I'm not necessarily trying to get my indoor plants 6ft tall (which is what i have now, although quite awesome looking, it's a little too cramped)

(EDIT: I'm growing hydro and plan on continuing to do so)


New Member
i do a combo listen to the dudes on here with a cab that small vert is pointless you would really only be able to do 4 sativas like that. a decent yeild but i would go horizontal vert growing is more of a hobby grow i personally do a combo of the 2. i have 2 vert 400w comming up from the floor into a tee connector that is hooked in a horizontal hood. you could do the same but if your using one 600 and no co2 i would naturaly asperate the room and go bare bulb or open reflector horizontally. and if this is a single time run meaning not perpetual. i would do some type of hydro so there is less down time and less wasted space. if this is a hobby grow aka experiment. just go bare bulb vertical and just keep raising the light just keep it at the uper tier of the plants. you wont be able to do full on vert w/ 4 plants if you do 2 or 3 you would probably have the space to do it. but if you go horizontal and lolipop everything on about 6-10 plants the yield would be larger. sog is your best bet. vert is a very precise practice and not for the new comer


Active Member
Thanks Alpha. I'm planning on semi-perpetual. Just a small chamber to clone and then the one chamber with a couple plants that veg and flower in the same room. You are right it is definitely a hobby grow. I think if my room is bigger than what I'm doing now, the light will easily reach the lower parts of the plants (whether it's horizontal or vertical) and that's all I'm really concerned about. As far as CO2, I have a passive intake that intakes fresh air from the outside.

I lolipopped the shit out of my current plants, too. I've been doing it since the beginning but had no idea that's what it was called (until I just used the magic Search bar that no one seems to like to use haha) thanks for the input so far guys. Seems I might just stick with a horizontal 600w in a cool tube and lolipop. Thanks again