verticle growth has stopped


ok my first grow unfortunatly i have no way to post pictures my plant i have is in a 3 square foot closet i have 10 23 watt cfls in there for a total of 16000 lumens my verticle growth has come to a sudden halt at only 6 inches tall im getting some good new growth on my secondary branching that has started im only about 3 or 4 weeks into this grow does this sound normal?


Well-Known Member
I had a couple of Kush plants that self Topped.
The main vertical growth stopped and the other braches caught up with it. They then started vertical growth again with two mains.
You might want to give them some nutrients depending on how old they are.
LST in also a good option.


Well-Known Member
check your ph levels, if your ph level is locking out phosphorus your plant will basicly stop growing