

April 5, 2012
1 month later:


has anybody experienced vertigo before? this is my first autoflower ever, so dont go hard on me if im doing something wrong, TONSSSS of advices are needed:-(, growing under 2 "125w, 6500k" and 3 "45w, 2700k" cfls.. 18 hours of light and 6 dark, not giving any nutes just water, feel free to help..


Well-Known Member
Looking forward to your grow!
She looks pretty healthy.

I'm germinating 5 vertigo seeds on Monday (First auto-flower also)


Well-Known Member
ive got a couple of em a week or two before i cut em, i can take pics of the buds for you,they're in the cure now.
My last grow was Vertigo Automatic from Paradise seeds. I grew them under two 400 watt equiv 6500k cfls four 150 watt equiv 6500k cfls and four 150 watt equiv 2700k cfls. Out of the 5 I grew I yeilded about 30 gs per plant and it was some of the best bud i've ever smoked and also got A++++++ reviews from people I smoked it with. A very intense high almost couch lock lol. I would fert your babies though but that just me. Trust me you will not be disapointed with this strain. I would have purchased again but the site I go through was SOLD OUT. So went with Pandora Auto also from Paradise Seeds.


Well-Known Member
This (and Pandora) are both bitchin strains. I had a vertigo under a 550w led panel that did a qp in 75 days. The smoke is of the highest caliber.


Well-Known Member
the tall one was auto hobbit, and by far the biggest, best producing, best tasting, best auto ive grown yet. but i was just using autos to fill in for a lil bumper crop. ican put em out with a 250 watt infrared heat lamp for a chicken coop at nights around the start of feb, harvest in may, grew them in pots, then i filled the bed with foxfarm and coco coir 50/50 and planted the summer crop. 1 strawberry blue, 1 northern lights x big bud, 2 dairy queens, and 2 plushberries. ill be feeding guano, aact guano tea, iguana juice (i have a gallon of it anyway why let organic aminos go to waste) i stock my microbe herdes from "soil secrets":using earth magic, protein crumbles, tpp compost, then i top wth an inch of happy frog, and then 3 in happy frog soil conditioner. this is a raised bed thats 24 in high, and they sit on last years garden after i turned it over. last years garden was rows raked from recycled soil from a few years of large indoor crops. now were small time, however those 6 should be short, fat monsters.