very dry leaves


Well-Known Member
I'm a hydro guy, but looks to me like they are rather thirsty. What are your watering intervals?



Well-Known Member
Well you definately have droopiness which is a sign of over/under watering but that one plant on the left side looks pretty good. What is your watering regime?


Well-Known Member
I think you should repot them into larger pots, some of them look a bit starved for nutes.


Well-Known Member
fuck a watering schedule, get hands on with those girls. Check the soil with your finger, or toothpick if you dont like getting your nails dirty. if it's still moist down 2-3", wait longer. plants will tell you when they want to be watered. it's easy to over water because the top could look like a parched desert while the innards are sopping wet.