Very first grow, blueberry/trainwreck

So I've decided to not be lazy and post my grow for others to learn along with me. I got these from an acquaintance and was expecting small baby clones, but when they showed up I was happily surprised. I did have plans to grow in a perpetual harvest dwc set up, one of these will end up as a mother. The set up is a 400w mh for veg and 400w hps for flower with switchable ballast. I had a stoner moment and put these under the hps for the first few days before switching over to the proper mh. I've got a couple fans blowing down plus another pulling air out of one of the top vents, the tent is 4x4x6.


day 4, finally got them vegging under the right light, but then I started noticing some nute burn on the leaves and realized I didn't need to be feeding them anything additional. they're definitely going on a water only diet and I need to get them transplanted asap.



Well-Known Member
You could just start taking cuttings from those, they are pretty big if you are still flowering them.


Active Member
Get those babies into flower! They are gonna be SO big! Remember they are going to stretch up to twice the size of when you had them in veg.