Very important - for experienced growers


Active Member
Hey guys

I have an important question: my plant is one week old and for complicated reasons i have to turn my lights off for 4 nights. What effect will this have?

Stretching isn't an issue since i'm planning on lsting. I have read some things too about possible hermies and forcing flowering? I don't know if this also applies to young plants like mine, i would like some info on this.

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
It is what it is. The plant will experience a long night and no doubt will stretch. At 1 week old this wont cause it too much stress to the point of hermies. It also wont induce flowering as it probably doesnt have more then 2-3 nodes. A pic would be helpful.


Active Member
Yeah man it only has one set of leaves so you're on the right track. So your guess is that i can carry on with this one?


Well-Known Member
Grow on. Just get the lights back on asap. And hopefully you only have to do that to it once.


Well-Known Member
There not mature enough to flower. But when you get the lights back on you could keep them on 24/7 for a couple days then go 18/6 just to get them back on track for vegging.