So this is my first grow and it seems like it is taking a while for my plants to come up. This is the 11th day and I only have 2 plants up. I started them off by planting the seeds in 1" rockwool cubes and soaked them in 1/4 concentrate nute formula. I've kept them around 78 degrees and refilled the water in the flat misted the cubes if they felt dry, which they really havent. I just put them under my Mh light a couple days ago with 24hrs light to see if they needed to get some light. I cut open the rockwool cubes very carefully to check them and the ones that arent up yet have a little root started but nothing substantial. Root is pure white and looks good. Just seems like taking forever. Is there anyway I can speed the others up? Ill transplant them to a new medium if needed. Thanks for the help!! let me know if you need any more information.