Very new...and struggling need help


Hi I have a problem I can’t seem to fix. My plants all seem to be turning yellow. IV checked soil ph and it’s sitting at 6.
My setup is

5x5 tent
1000w hps dimmed down time 50 percent
Using cheap ebay cyco nutrients
Ventilation/circulation is good

The seedling are an unknown strain I got from a friend, they were outside and in bad condition when I transplanted but perked back up after a week. But have since started turning pale yellow.


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Hi Winker,
Yes they're yellowing...aren't they? But fairly healthy looking otherwise. They are just not getting enough nitrogen...and maybe add in just a maintenance dose of Epsom salts. Cannabis tends to be a Mg hog...and a maintenance dose isn't a bad idea. 1/2 tsp/gal Epson salts would be adequate. Mg is a core element in photosynthesis.

So check your grow nute dosage and bump it up a bit...and see what that does.
I agree nitrogen deficiency simple fix They will be right as rain in a wk nice structure to them good luck