very wide leaves


Well-Known Member
was wondering--my 5 footer<almost laying down>has leaves that are wide with only 5 tips or whatever you call them on leaves----every leaf has 5 no more no less---what stain may this be? 2 weeks in budding .expected time till buds are ready---anyone?


Well-Known Member
it is 5 foot tall --however i eased it over by pushing on stalk at ground level to keep it in cover


Active Member
you could tell us what kind of weed you think you pulled the seed from and chances are the strain you think it is would be WRONG.

people get their shit all crossed up and mixed in. people tend to call pot whatever they want, and it just all gos FUBAR from there.
truly knowing what strain you have will be almost impossible to figure out.

if you REALLY wish to know what kind of strains you are growing i strongly suggest ordering some seeds from one of the reputable seed banks online!

GL, and happy growing!


Well-Known Member
just really wondering on time budding---some are ready weeks before the other---came from pretty red buds-----3 or 4 seed in a oz maybe.huge seed with strips---probably no help anyway-----


Active Member
As for strains, no way to really tell other than sativa or indica dominance. My indoor sativa Dom strain looks nothing like my outdoor which is a clone cutting off my indoor so I know it's the same plant. Sativa strains take longer to finish. Which is what yours appears to be based On the pictures.