

New Member
Does anyone besides me have Windows Vista? I had to get a new computer last year and it came with Vista. IMHO Vista sucks big-time. If anyone else uses Vista, what are your opinions?


Well-Known Member
i hate vista with a passion. i have xp still on my comp but everyone else in the house has vista, i refuse to upgrade


Well-Known Member
seamaiden is that mermaid in your avatar giving a handjob?

sorry to ask thats always what it looked like to me


New Member
What? Bill Gates isn't Jewish enough for you, med? :lol:
I've nothing against Gates except for Vista. He does quite a bit of philanthropic work, but again, that solidifies my contention of Jews being the owners of our, and the world to some extent's, societies. How many Billions is he worth? Does he get invited to the Bilderberg?


i've heard that the programs i have now may not work with vista.
i have computers for work in graphic arts and if i had to get new versions of the programs i paid 1000's for it would ruin my business or i would have to get cracked versions which i dont like to do.
by the way seamaiden that avitar is the coolest graphitti pic i think i've seen