Visting Denver- Checking out Properties for New Dispensary


I'm going to be moving to Denver soon to open a dispensary, and I will be in town through the weekend checking out some warehouses.

Unfortunately, my buddies won't be in the area this weekend.

I've only been to Colorado to ski and have never been in Denver. Any chance any rollitup'ers want to meet up?

I'd be particularly interested in meeting with anyone that has any experience with a dispensary. Oh, and I am flying there so I'll be dry and in need of some "pointers"


Active Member
I live in Denver and I'm a vendor for some of the clubs here. I currently have Maui wowie, big bud and skunk#1 if you'd like to meet about doing business i'd b open to it. I assume you have a medi card as well if so I'll bring a J or 3 so u can try the product.


Active Member
Hey there,
do you ever vend herbs to Highland Health?
Give us a call or stop by 7 days a week or call 303 455 0820, thanks - J


I would like to speak with you or have some email communications. I am in the research stage of opening a dispensary in Colorado, maybe Denver. I hear some towns have put moratoriums on new disps. until they can figure out better regulation and control? Has Denver? I am guessing not but wondered.....I live in Texas and plan to move to Colorado within a few years. Email is < removed. > Thanks.


Possibly. What is the legal climate up there? I am looking for a potential partner in a dispensary in Colorado if anyone is interested, too. I can finance, I need a local presence to hold down the fort and be a business partner.


Well-Known Member
Its the wild west here in regards to dispensaries. I would love to open one in my town outside of Denver but they seem to not allow it at all. Not one dispensary in Aurora but there are a bunch of stip clubs, topless bars, head shops and adult book stores. I have no idea why a dispensary is such an issue.

There are a few places that are running a great, legal place with good meds. There are others that are obviously in it for the quick buck and really do not care about their patients at all.

Lots of talk here about altering the existing laws and regulating dispensaries. Right now they are in a shade of grey and no one really understands what is legal and what is not. Its up for interpertation for sure.


Active Member
I don't know if you have visited yet but get in contact with some realtors before you do. The toughest part to opening a dispensary right now is finding a co-operative property owner.

It seems that it's a lot of the same property owners renting out commercial space. They are failing to tell the lessees that they just rented a spot 2 doors down to another dispensary. There are some blocks with 3-4 dispensaries.


Well-Known Member
Currently the issue with Denver is they are trying to push some strict rules on the MMJ scene. If you look at and look up medical marijuana denver you can see what's been going on... Basically Denver has more MMJ dispensaries then there are Starbucks in the Entire state... The Denver city govt thinks thinks are getting out of control, for the dispensaries who are currently operating they have the best chance of staying open but if you don't currently have a dispensary in Denver good luck trying to get one started with the new regulations it will be nearly impossible unless a bunch go out of business.


Well-Known Member
I live in Denver and I'm a vendor for some of the clubs here. I currently have Maui wowie, big bud and skunk#1 if you'd like to meet about doing business i'd b open to it. I assume you have a medi card as well if so I'll bring a J or 3 so u can try the product.

I met with an 'out of towner' claiming something along the same lines as this post, but something was DEF not right.

Did not NOT show a valid CO MMJ (or other) state license card, but only flashed a black white photo copy that said MMJ registry. (if theyre from out of state, they shouldn't have any vaild CO MMJ ID yet)

After a while the individual asked if I had access to any bud and if they could get some now. Have not heard back from that individual since I did not fulfill their request. :-P

Either undercover cop, fed or criminal (or both) looking to do the rickroll. :finger:

******BE VERY CAREFUL*****

Dr. VonDank

Active Member
I would like to have a meet and greet with like-minded professionals with an interest and experience in patient care/exemplary service standards and those that have a true love and understanding of horticulture. I would also love to meet with medical patients'caregivers and hear their ideas/recommendations/ and needs. If you are interested/mature(over 21) and want to be part of a dispensary were the patients needs /strictest organic standards/service and pricing come before anything else period!!!. Then send me a PM or email
[email protected]

Dr. VonDank

Active Member
I would like to have a meet and greet with like-minded professionals with an interest and experience in patient care/exemplary service standards and those that have a true love and understanding of horticulture. I would also love to meet with medical patients'caregivers and hear their ideas/recommendations/ and needs. If you are interested/mature(over 21) and want to be part of a dispensary were the patients needs /strictest organic standards/service and pricing come before anything else period!!!. Then send me a PM or email
[EMAIL="[email protected]"][email protected][/EMAIL]
Thanks for all the positive input and PM's---If my PM box is full just send info to [email protected]

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Some of you have email. Please follow through.

We are in Denver for the next 8 days looking at properties and for good solid people to work with. We currently are caregivers to 30 patients and looking to expand and open a shop.

Email if interested in growing or working for our shop in the Denver area.

coloradomedicinal *at* yahoo