Visual Aura?


Well-Known Member
Anybody ever get this after working under HID's or LED's?.. It's an event that starts off randomly after exposure to bright lights. It starts as a blind spot in your point of focus. You can't see what you're looking at. Then this C shape starts to develop with flashing diamond/multi-colored lights that gradually over about a 30 min period moves to the left and the C gets bigger as it moves left to your peripheral vision. I first got one in the 2000's when I started an indoor closet grow with an HID. I haven't been wearing my MethodSeven glasses in the grow lately because I've been wearing a bucket hat, but i do occasionally catch a glimpse of an LED panel. I've had 3 events this week... just got through one. It's usually followed by a crushing headache. As soon as I see the blind spot, I take a couple of Advil. First time I ever got it, It freaked me out. I thought I was having a stroke or something. As I learned more about it, I saw drawings on the Internet of what I saw, and found it was quite common. I was just wondering if you guys ever get this?.. or maybe it's just more common for certain people?. Anyways, now I just sit back for 30 min and enjoy the light show until it passes.... Prob need to wear my M7's more.
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Anybody ever get this after working under HID's or LED's?.. It's an event that starts off randomly after exposure to bright lights. It starts as a blind spot in your point of focus. You can't see what you're looking at. Then this C shape starts to develop with flashing diamond/multi-colored lights that gradually over about a 30 min period moves to the left and the C gets bigger as it moves left to your peripheral vision. I first got one in the 2000's when I started an indoor closet grow with an HID. I haven't been wearing my MethodSeven glasses in the grow lately because I've been wearing a bucket hat, but i do occasionally catch a glimpse of the LED panel. I've had 3 events this week... just got through one. It's usually followed by a crushing headache. As soon as I see the blind spot, I take a couple of Advil. First time I ever got it, It freaked me out. I thought I was having a stroke or something. As I learned more about it, I saw drawings on the Internet of what I saw, and found it was quite common. I was just wondering if you guys ever get this?.. or maybe it's just more common for certain people?. Anyways, now I just sit back for 30 min and enjoy the light show until it passes.... Prob need to wear my M7's more.
Even with my m7’s on i still get dark splotches in my vision for abit. When i was just using my bucket hat last grow thats when i started getting more white flashing in my peripherals though.
Even with my m7’s on i still get dark splotches in my vision for abit. When i was just using my bucket hat last grow thats when i started getting more white flashing in my peripherals though.
YES!. I get that too!.. If im standing outside during the daylight, and a shadow from a building or something is there, I'll see flashing out of the corner of my vision along that shadow line.. weird. I know that LED's flash very fast, and the rods and cones in our eyes can't see that because it happens so fast, but I wonder if it's just reprogramming our brains to perceive the light?... and not in a good way. I know that starting tomorrow, Im gonna start wearing my M7's again without fail. The only reason I quit wearing them was because the plants are tall, and im on a mechanics stool feeding, and Im not looking .....well, I guess I am looking at the lights. I just need to wear them again.
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YES!. I get that too!.. If im standing outside during the daylight, and a shadow from a building or something is there, I'll see flashing out of the corner of my vision along that shadow line.. weird. I know that LED's flash very fast, and the rods and cones in our eyes can't see that because it happens so fast, but I wonder if it's just reprogramming our brains to perceive the light?... and not in a good way. I know that starting tomorrow, Im gonna start wearing my M7's again without fail. The only reason I quit wearing them was because the plants are tall, and im on a mechanics stool feeding, and Im not looking .....well, I guess I am looking at the lights. I just need to wear them again.
Only have one set of eyes……
I work a few hours a day under 18 HLG's and I calculated the lumens.. it's about 1.4 million lumens.... not good for the eyes. Im sure my pupils look like pin heads in there. Not sure of the science behind it, but Im sure someone will figure it out someday.
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Hey kids. Looooooonnnngggg time lurker (7+ years), first time poster. First, DAttRON, love your grow and your posts. Really look forward to seeing it and reading them. Just wanted to chime in on the symptoms you are experiencing/describing. Exposure to intense point source lighting could certainly explain your symptoms, but differential diagnosis could also include migraine with aura or retinal tearing. I experienced sudden onset floaters and flashes of light in the periphery of my vision beginning last Friday. Today (Tuesday here) I am going to a specialist in about an hour to repair a retinal tear that is threatening my vision in my right eye. Especially if the symptoms are unilateral in nature (i.e. only noticed in one visual field or the other), I would recommend an immediate evaluation by a qualified professional (ophthalmologist). For those of you commonly exposed to any powerful light source (e.g. daily trips to your grows), a yearly eye exam could go a long way to heading off potentially serious problems with your vision. Thus endeth this public service announcement.
Thanks again for all the great content and information, all of you at RIU!
Good luck! Hope all goes well. I do get a retinal scan every year, and I told him about these events, but says my retina looks normal. However, I think with new growers becoming more common around here, they just don’t have that knowledge or experience with the symptoms, and will see more of it in the future.
Good luck! Hope all goes well. I do get a retinal scan every year, and I told him about these events, but says my retina looks normal. However, I think with new growers becoming more common around here, they just don’t have that knowledge or experience with the symptoms, and will see more of it in the future.
No tear! Hooray! Some hemorrhaging, which is worse than no hemorrhaging, but still preferred to my eyeball de-laminating.

Good to hear you practice preventative maintenance for your eyes.

On topic, I feel like we're in somewhat uncharted waters with long term exposure to high efficiency LED emitters, especially with regard to blue, violet and hyperviolet wavelengths. There's nothing inherently different about the light emitted by LED's, (a photon is a photon, so to speak), but some CCT's put out a boatload of high energy photons (relatively) that may be deleterious to retinal health in the long run. Coupled with the distribution of individual LED's across the grow area, I feel like it's harder to avoid direct exposure to the emitter than with HID. Obviously looking into an HID bulb is a bigger hit, and reflected light can still damage your eyes, be it HID or LED, but I know from experience that when I leave an HID grow I might have a short lived bright spot from brief exposure (oh shit I looked into the light), as opposed to an LED lit space where I leave with multiple smaller bright spots (oh shit, I looked into ALL the lights). I just seem to get a shot to the eye more frequently in the LED space..

I hope some of that made sense. I washed down some kratom and RSO with a 9% beer, and I'm beginning to think I'm not being as eloquent as I think I am. Or something.
Anybody ever get this after working under HID's or LED's?.. It's an event that starts off randomly after exposure to bright lights. It starts as a blind spot in your point of focus. You can't see what you're looking at. Then this C shape starts to develop with flashing diamond/multi-colored lights that gradually over about a 30 min period moves to the left and the C gets bigger as it moves left to your peripheral vision. I first got one in the 2000's when I started an indoor closet grow with an HID. I haven't been wearing my MethodSeven glasses in the grow lately because I've been wearing a bucket hat, but i do occasionally catch a glimpse of an LED panel. I've had 3 events this week... just got through one. It's usually followed by a crushing headache. As soon as I see the blind spot, I take a couple of Advil. First time I ever got it, It freaked me out. I thought I was having a stroke or something. As I learned more about it, I saw drawings on the Internet of what I saw, and found it was quite common. I was just wondering if you guys ever get this?.. or maybe it's just more common for certain people?. Anyways, now I just sit back for 30 min and enjoy the light show until it passes.... Prob need to wear my M7's more.
I’ve been getting this same kind of thing. Only it lasts longer than 30 mins. They seem to come and go when they want to now.
I used to weld in high school
Certain color eyes tend to favor certain lenses.
Blue eyes for example it helps to have a gold reflective lense.
You could possibly have a curtain type system to clip between you and the light enclosing the plant during work time. We used a blue sheeting material , i wonder if you could come up with something simple to help with the excess light.

I figure eye color might have a bit to do with sensitivity who knows lol, just want to add to the discussion

Edit:I want to add that if not using the correct eye protection when welding you get very tired. This may be similar to working in a grow room without proper glasses. You get black bags around your eyes and they feel heavy and can cause headaches
I used to weld in high school
Certain color eyes tend to favor certain lenses.
Blue eyes for example it helps to have a gold reflective lense.
You could possibly have a curtain type system to clip between you and the light enclosing the plant during work time. We used a blue sheeting material , i wonder if you could come up with something simple to help with the excess light.

I figure eye color might have a bit to do with sensitivity who knows lol, just want to add to the discussion

Edit:I want to add that if not using the correct eye protection when welding you get very tired. This may be similar to working in a grow room without proper glasses. You get black bags around your eyes and they feel heavy and can cause headaches
Yep... I agree. I've either been wearing a bucket hat, or the M7's... now Im using both. We may find out some day that these high power LED's are no good for your eyes long term, so Im going to take all precautions from here on out. I've never had that many Visual Aura's in a week. I usually get an episode once a year or longer. Before growing, I almost never got them.
I get almost the same ora. Mine is like a broken ladder bent sidways in the middle. Lots of twinkling at all the ledder rung connection points. I dont get it very often and i dont get too bad of a headache. My head does feel off and i fell a bit nauseous. I use led dosent effect me at all. My eye doc said it was common thing especially with people that get migraines.
He said pay attention to what you were doing bbefore it happens. Food or beverages can even triger it.
Its not fun when it hits and yor driving. I get the same blind spot that goes with the twinkling that slowley drifts acroos my vision. Have had ot for 10 years or so, maybe once every other month.
Alway best to go get checked make sure its not ssomethimg else going on.
I get almost the same ora. Mine is like a broken ladder bent sidways in the middle. Lots of twinkling at all the ledder rung connection points. I dont get it very often and i dont get too bad of a headache. My head does feel off and i fell a bit nauseous. I use led dosent effect me at all. My eye doc said it was common thing especially with people that get migraines.
He said pay attention to what you were doing bbefore it happens. Food or beverages can even triger it.
Its not fun when it hits and yor driving. I get the same blind spot that goes with the twinkling that slowley drifts acroos my vision. Have had ot for 10 years or so, maybe once every other month.
Alway best to go get checked make sure its not ssomethimg else going on.
Yeah my eye Dr. scans my retina every year.. all is good. But yes, I have heard that some people with migraines experience this. Some get headaches, and other don't .. my headaches don't get that bad, but it's better to pop an Advil to head it off.