vitamin B1 for shock in mums


Active Member
I am new to growing and I bit off a big bite of humble pie. I have 4 indie/satie clones all between 6 to 8 weeks old. I read and read and then some more until i was sure I was ready to clone my first six. That is going well so far, but the mums are showing some nute burn-like leaf symptoms and all are in pre flower - I think. The history is vauge, but like me, the clone doner that gave us our first 4 is pretty ill, and does not have the patience or energy to spend yacking to me about this. Similarly, I am pretty sick too. I am doing OK I guess, but I am shy to stick my neck out and ask a question. People can be really condescending and cruel. I could give a crap what people think of my posts. I am humbly asking for help. I am not very cool, or attractive, nor am I either especially smart or stupid. I am ignorant about this, and I could use some help. Mustering the energy to do what I have done so far was difficult, but I am gonna try anyway. If anyone would respond and try to help me figure out if anything MUST be done, or if thorough watering will correct the nute deal over a few days or a week or whatever- or not. The less I have to do the better, but I need to be at least marginally successfull at this. I apologize ahead of time if I don't check in often enuf, or seem like a bad attitude dude. I thank all in advance. :leaf:


Big C

More specific detail of your problem. Can you take more pictures of the whole plant. Whats your set up lights nutes etc. The works, whats going on? Like to try and help Im a newbie also. What do you mean by you( think) you are in pre flower. Need more info lol


Active Member
yeah i know i suck, lol. As i read back my post, I realized that I neglected to say, the clones are doing so well, as the larger mum. The smaller one has 2 leaves, same side of plant (18" or so) that have dark shadow, grey or black inside the leaves, and they are yellowing or at least lime greening lol. here are some more pics. Thank you.


Active Member
I am sorry I have bad exhaustion and I am already brain damaged from 45 yrs of living too ???? Sucks.
I made a ventalated hood for 12 CFL's and so far so good. Temp and humidity is pretty good, no nutes at all, just cloned the biggest healthiest, and I took 2 clones from the littleist one. It is super healthy and needed trimming on the bottom. I counted around 20 flower pre-sites from an areal view (above the plant) on the big one. I read the sites can be ID'd by two small hair-like growths at nodes. I don't remember whrer I read it, but it was here. It is hard for me to weed thru the shit to get to what I need to know, and I do have a bad attitude. I give up too easy, not much fight left in me. I have been a member for awhile, but never poost.

Big C

greensmith your plants look awesome. I don't see what you are refering to in the first picture. The rest look healthy. What are your temps and humidity. First thought was maybe mold?

Big C

Heres a thought for you greensmith. Get some clearing agent and flush them. You don't have to use clearing agent just speeds things up. Use water that has been sitting out open for more then 24 hours. pH your water to 5.5 to 6.5 flush 3 times the amount as the container size. Get a simple to understand nutrient feed chart like Fox Farm and start fresh with those beautys and you will be amazed. Good luck. and good job give your self credit for a job being well done. Growing MJ is very hard fun work with great rewards. Keep your passion alive...


Active Member

Great, awesome. I am paranoid. I know the ph is a tad high, I am using distilled H20 because my city water is all wrong, vey hard and high PH. It actually smells like chlorine too. Yuck. The soil is a strong 7.0 ph which is high rite? I think.

I have two leafs that look ???!!! and if I could do something to help without going on a QUEST and w/o killing all my plants I would. I thot maybe a weak solution of B2 might help. Helped the clones. idk

thanks for all your time and effort and especially the encouragement, I am doing some things right.

whew, L8'r

Big C


Great, awesome. I am paranoid. I know the ph is a tad high, I am using distilled H20 because my city water is all wrong, vey hard and high PH. It actually smells like chlorine too. Yuck. The soil is a strong 7.0 ph which is high rite? I think.

I have two leafs that look ???!!! and if I could do something to help without going on a QUEST and w/o killing all my plants I would. I thot maybe a weak solution of B2 might help. Helped the clones. idk

thanks for all your time and effort athe encouragement, I am doing some thing right.

whew, L8'r
Not sure about vitamins. I use Roots with soil sweetner to help with ph its great soil you dont use any nutes for the first 3 weeks. Let your city water sit for a few days out in a bucket to rid it of chlorine. Use a pH meter. Have your clones rooted yet?