Viz_ Profanisaurus


Haha, Does anyone here read the VIZ comic? They ave a profanisaurus that keeps me in stitches?

Whats your favourble quote if so;

some of the ones listed today were;

wanker's tan n. Ghostly pallor effected by young men who spend far too much time alone in their rooms with the curtains shut. 'I've just got Grand Theft Auto San Andreas for Christmas, so I'll be spending the next few months working on my wanker's tan.'

top bum n. A woman's bosom.

bonk on n. A splendidly tumescent member. 'A copy of 'Splosh' and a box of tissues please, Mr. News-agent. I've got an almighty bonk on.'

cubism 1. n. A French school of painting typified by the works of Picasso and Braque which amalgamated multiple viewpoints into a complex surface of geometrical planes. 2. n. A harmless gentleman's hobby which involves sneaking into a cubicle in the female toilets of a pub, club or department store and listening in to the action in the neighbouring 'cubes'.

bushman's hankie n. Aus. Term given to the process whereby mucus is expelled from the nose by placing a finger over a nostril and blowing. Popular amongst professional footballers. A single barrelled snot gun.

jitler n. Spunk.
scrunt n. coll. Blart, flange, gusset. A group of attractive women. 'Suddenly, at the age of 25, the Prince was cast as the world's most eligible bachelor. On a Royal tour of New Zealand in 1973, he found himself having to batter off top-end scrunt with a shitty stick.' (from 'HRH The Prince of Wales' by Jim Bob Dimbleby).

chuck up v. To vomit, honk up, barf.

ambisextrous n. One who is able to bat for both teams. A happy shopper.

anal boot n. milit. An army barracks forfeit whereby members of a platoon spit into a glass of beer before another stirs it with his cock, after which it is poured down the cleft of another's arse into the mouth of the unlucky loser of a bet.

fem n. A highly photogenic species of lesbian. Commonly found in pairs on TV porn channels. Also femme.

bit of smut for the evening, never hurt no one right? hahahahaha???????
