waiting for em to crack


Hi everybody, this is my first post on here so be nice, I've been doing my research for the last year and finally bit the bullet and went and got a grow kit, just put my seeds in paper towels inside an air tight plastic box and no sign of a taproot yet, it's been over 36 hours, is this normal?? I just want everything to run smoothly :) thanks



Well-Known Member
I wouldn't put them in an air tight box. I am not sure what the point of that would be. In fact I would think air/oxygen would be a really good thing. If we were to put you in an airtight casket and bury you in the ground, think you would pop?


Well-Known Member
could also be the temperature. you got them somewhere warm? are they bag seeds or seeds from a seed bank?


Well-Known Member
Usually takes 3 days/72 hours for germination in my experience. Do yourself a favor and go ahead and put the soaked seed into your planting medium.

Just my opinion.


Active Member
put em in a ziploc bag n leave the bag slightly open, or if u using airtight container, do not fully seal it. this should help.
do not worry you still have time to go.

what strain btw?


I have them I'm my sitting room in the box wrapped in a towel,left the heater on low to keep the temperature up,I'll go and open the seal on the box and see what happens,I have auto white widow seeds,thanx for your help


Well-Known Member
I like what Aim said. Sow them to soil. You bought them, there not bag seed. You can skip the soaking and the paper towel germination. With the seeds from the seed bank your almost guaranteed a 100% germination rate. Why handle them 3 times when you can handle them just once.


SUCCESS!!!!!! they all popped, took the lid off the box, 24 hours later they all pop, here goes my 1st grow :)


New Member
I see you giving out advice and you never even grew weed before lol .... this is actually a common thing on RIU.. good luck with your plants :weed:


Well-Known Member
I see you giving out advice and you never even grew weed before lol .... this is actually a common thing on RIU.. good luck with your plants :weed:
yes im on my first grow, but ive done ample research before doing it and typicaly only give advice where ri feel i have something to contribute, such as what lights to use, equipment to buy and simple things you need to know about when your a newb just getting started, which after just getting started i feel i have a little experience with