You don't have to use him in particular. I know he's a specialist in marijuana is why I suggested him. There are many others and keep in mind that BC has the majority of prescriptions as well as the majority of marijuana specialist lawyers. You could send in a letter to them or call them. In my experience a consult is usually free. I have had letters drafted for me by lawyers and they generally get the desired effect. I have read of people using these kinds of lawyers to get that desired effect with Health Canada. That's why I suggest you do the same. To save money, what I did was I went in with the letter already drafted as best as I could write it up between myself and my girlfriend. Then they tweak it and by doing that you cut their time down considerably. In Australia as an example the cost was only $150 for a letter to be written on another matter. ALso, I would suggest you keep talking to people hear and get the jist of what people are so pissed off about and just what you're pissed off about pertaining to Health Canada. Then add in what your points are and how your needs haven't been met. My outcome in Australia was quite good. It made the people who received it take notice and I got some attention pretty quickly. Best of luck man.