Waiting For The Check To Cash...Question


Ive been reading that i'm going to need a copy of the check that I sent to the state after it is cashed, how do I get a copy? I sent everything certified mail and have the stamped receipts from the post office and will get a notice after everything arrives, but nooo idea how to get proof that my check has cashed. (my bank is hours away from where I live so I hope that isnt the answer:roll:)


Active Member
I'm not even sure how you would get that unless you go to the bank, or wait for the statement to come in the mail. Which my bank sucks and I get a statement like every 3-4 months. I did the certified mail thing and kept my money order receipt and made like 3 copies of everything, one to keep in the car, in my wallet and in my grow room. I'd call the bank and maybe they'll mail you a statement with a record of that transaction. Good luck!


receiving a statement is no problem for me, but i though it had to be a actual copy of the check?

I sent a personal check btw.


New Member
receiving a statement is no problem for me, but i though it had to be a actual copy of the check?

I sent a personal check btw.
go to your bank and get a copy when it is cashed and they get it back
just tell your bank to be on lookout for it


haha yeah, im not necessarily worried about the cops so much as making purchases etc..I just want the process of becoming legal to be done right because I know I shouldnt expect to see the hard card anytime soon and am going to need all the paperwork


Well-Known Member
Like someone said, go to the bank and get the check after it's paid. I don't think a CC would work because it's necessary to see the back and the cashed date.


Well-Known Member
go to your bank and get a copy when it is cashed and they get it back
just tell your bank to be on lookout for it

This is the best advice I've seen in this thread. The check (like all checks) came from a bank.. somewhere. Wherever or whatever bank you use, you need to notify them about the check.. and tell them the situation.. and most likely they'll take it from there and deal with it. Once they've done whatever they can do or want to do.. they'll then (should) notify you.

Good luck!



Well-Known Member
haha yeah, im not necessarily worried about the cops so much as making purchases etc..I just want the process of becoming legal to be done right because I know I shouldnt expect to see the hard card anytime soon and am going to need all the paperwork

I have no idea how long the process takes. I was technically born in Italy. Both my parents are Sicilian.. not long after I was born (I think it was like 8 months or a little longer after I was born) both my parents headed to the U.S.A. to become citizens of America. So, they took care of my citizenship while I was very young.. which is why I have no idea how long the process actually takes. Never really thought to even ask my parents about it either.. come to think about it.

Either way, good luck man.



Well-Known Member
I've been told a printed account statement with a itemized purchase list that shows the state of Michigan cashed the fee would work. So if you have online statements all you need to do is print that.


so I looked at my bank statement today and the check cleared! So now wait 21 days from today and im legal? Ive also read on another thread that even though they cash the check that doesnt mean its set in stone..would they cash the check then deny me? or am I in the clear


Well-Known Member
Yes no matter what they take the money it's application fee not a fee if you get it. They now have 21 days to send you a rejection letter andnif you receive nothing in the mail by the 21st day you are considered legal but remember until they actually send out the card your still not all the way off the hook but you are protected to an extent and if there are problems they will be cleared up eventually but not as quick as when you have a hard copy card from the state in your hand.


Active Member
my internet bankiong lets me see copies of cashed checks. I printed it from there. If not tell them the check number and that you need a copy of that canceled check.