Waiting UA Results


New Member
Hi All!

First and foremost: I am 22, 135lbs, 5'7" Male
I have been scouring forums for weeks in anticipation of an upcoming UA test.

Here's my timeline:

-Did normal abstinence for 30 days (no detoxes tried)
-Took first check and failed at 30 days with pretty concentrated void - sent in, found out results were 81ng/ml
-Did exercise, cranberry juice, detox tea, water, etc for next 2 weeks
-Tested myself with carecheck at home tests from Amazon. consistently passed with negative lines.
-Took actual test 20 days later (this past monday, 5/1) (total of 50 days clean)
**Used QCARBO 16 that morning, another full of water, and then a bit more (probably 20-25oz of water)
voided 4 or 5 times until limegreen color was gone, then walked to LabCorp testing site and took it.. they said 24-48 hours my employer would know

Was definitely shipped to the LabCorp headquarters for testing

Got a call today (5/5) from my employer (which is a few hours drive away, did LabCorp test in my home town)
and they said they hadn't received my completed drug screening (which they said wasn't unusual.. but to me it is)

Is this presumed to be good news, or bad? Having abstained for almost 2 months and now not having results after a week is nerve-racking.

**updating to give more thorough explanation
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I mean, I'm ripping a nice little pinchy right now. I hate waiting and I'm like 99% confident I passed this test. It's just the waiting around that is killing me when I assumed I was in the clear when I got no call from the test place or my employer saying "hey you failed"
Poop in the cup

I concur. Works every time...

I mean, I'm ripping a nice little pinchy right now. I hate waiting and I'm like 99% confident I passed this test. It's just the waiting around that is killing me when I assumed I was in the clear when I got no call from the test place or my employer saying "hey you failed"

Why not just buy some synthetic urine. Wrap the heating pad around it, duck tape it to the inside of your thigh, and then when you go into the bathroom fill the cup up with the fake piss. I have done this multiple times, I have even done this with someone in the room and it worked fine.