Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


An old one that popped in my head..On a Sunday afternoooon....



Well-Known Member

I was going for an oldie, also -- for some reason this one popped into my head after I posted PM5K.

Breakfast was pot scrambled eggs, and a nice fat joint. On advice of the good Green Doc. I'm breaking out the bong to finish up.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Good morning :) Wakey bakey, I'm sending this to all the youthful, aspiring trolls out there.



Well-Known Member
Good morning my fellow bakers.
Here north of the 49th it's a celebration, the May 24 long weekend, a time for firecrackers and hospital visits as buddies left to their own devices for way too long are in need of assistance, of sunburns, burnouts and listening to modern day poets.
A tune by a group some consider Canadian Royalty, I think they play great party music.

Edit:You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to curious2garden again

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. The wall what a great tune and it has been for like 30 years. Well all the bad vibes here have made we wish I had left while she was gone. I will leave with my integrity in tacked. You all have a great day.


Well-Known Member
Last night I decarbed and hand-pressed some Vortex ice water hash. It's amazing how much it improved the flavor, the smoothness of the hit, and the high.

Breakfast of champions.



Well-Known Member
Good Morning All!
Hoping the sun shines and warms you gently.:blsmoke:

This song is dedicated to the ass wipe that wired this house.


Still searching for that open circuit....


Well-Known Member

And, a nice two-fer. Some B52's, to really kick off the buzz!


Well-Known Member
good morning glory, hope everyone had a good week-end. sorry about your troubles Match.
i had a dream about Madonna last night, it was much like this video actually (i never noticed the animation in this video before now, stoner). :eyesmoke:

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Fire it up!! It's wake and bake time!! Fire in da hole!! :bongsmilie

Put this in your pipe and smoke it..


Well-Known Member
This seems appropriate today and it goes well with Northern Lights.bongsmilie


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Good morning EVERYONE :) we are a little overcast out here so we are getting off to a slow start.......

Oh and you know who you are

match box

Well-Known Member
Good morning riu. It's been raining for 4 or 5 hours most of the night. It beats the hell out of tornado's man is that some powerful wind. It would seam that they are or have been more destructive more often. Any way I will have the people of Ok. in my thoughts today. I hope you all have a great day.