Walking back from LED


Active Member
I bought LEDs from Amazon recently. As you know and I didn't know nothing there is ture. They are going back. My grow room is 8'x5' where is the best place to buy them online.
If you drank the kool-aid on LED...

or DIY at www.digikey.com
OK that makes sence, better penetration & spectrum for flower growth plus a simple LED for veg. My area is 2*M2 LEDs for that area is so high priced I can't remember how to count up dat far anymore, WTF. With SOG what coverage in Foot sq can a 600w HPS is what 2 at 300 dollars total v 3000. What if I jacked all of 3000 sq ft. But I don't plan to fill that room to the brim. I'll vent in and out & hopefully I can use CO2
Thanks I have never needed to grow inside before so having to pay for Sun is odd. I have learned a lot here, & I appreciate the kindness y'all share.
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I just finished a cloning experiment with 200w leds, kept them in suspended animation. Sticking with MH.I realize that this little unit isn't top of the line but damn. 13 days to root.
Thanks, that's no good, you almost lost them. One good grows and you can afford good LEDs, but mixing them sound right on to me, exspecally good with blue burples. I don't want to waist my time or money I can't afford it, nor can anyone. I got plans man can't screw around with BS.
Keep On Keeping
If you drank the kool-aid on LED...

Drank the Kool Aid? Or have an actual bank account?
My bad. I forgot the mantra of "If it costs more it must be better" that gets sold to us every day.
I'll go baaack to being a good sheep now..
Mars Hydro may hire you as a sales rep......good work
advertise and those that don't research will buy
From what i know the LED's on amazon are pure trash, they claim to have 1000w/1500w which is not true,and they're equipped with old chipsets.
I bought my 270w PAR + here


and it's doing great so far, as you can see the prices are totally different compared to those on amazon...
HPS users (while using a great flowering light) somehow think all LED lighting is the same as it was 10 yrs ago. Until they actually BUY newer LED tech they can only guess.
I bought LEDs from Amazon recently. As you know and I didn't know nothing there is ture. They are going back. My grow room is 8'x5' where is the best place to buy them online.

You bought garbage, send em back. I grew with hps for over a decade, I've switched over to led and it's a significant upgrade. I've since built 3 lights. I would have had to change 1k bulbs on all my old fixtures after 2 harvests. I've already saved 1k $ in bulbs. And cut my electric usage down by 30% and the product is better.
Yeah, they also run cooler and they're more efficient in energy consumption, meaning that for example a LED of 270w will produce more light than a 270w HPS
New LED provides a spectrum that is mostly utilized BY the plant. A lot of HPS light spectrum is not used and is wasted just adding heat, but it remains a good budding light. A neighbor has used MH/HPS for yrs.........
I'm thinking I will DIY an LED grow board and then hit it with HPS or supplement it, because of the strong red and long infared it produces. I have no experience other than researching contradictions but it seems there is a consensus blue does not need to be above 20% of the spectrum. Oh Ill add UVB to spike the flowers with THC. That type of info has been around since my first book on the topic back in 75. But back then it said to simply damage the plant, not how. But Pot in full hot sun without shade with temps above 95 degrees was powerful. Sinsemilia was only for the those fortunate ones. I think growing at cool temps is not good, but I'm talkin tripical sativa.