Walmart cell phone comes with medical marijuana contacts on it


Well-Known Member
So I bought an $80 Telus 'prepaid' cell phone from Wally World on Monday evening. It came in a factory sealed cardboard package. I take it in to the Telus store the next morning and have it activated but don't get the chance to play with it until yesterday morning. I don't use a phone much and this is my first smart phone, so I start tapping icons. The contact folder pops up and it's full of names...on a supposedly 'new' phone. I scroll through the names and I recognize a bunch as local people...some I've bought weed from! I found my niece and her husband in there and MY old email address I lost the password to 3 years ago! There were quite a few medical marijuana related contacts, including the local cc owner, Natures Botanicals, and others.
So I email a nice letter to Telus and Walmart last night telling them I'm pissed at getting a used was not labeled refurbished...and I'm concerned about the privacy breach. I tell them that I am also worried about someone getting a hold of my phone and me being associated with marijuana...I made them think I was paranoid at someone finding any marijuana links on my phone! I still haven't heard a peep out of Walmart, but Telus is all over it. I waiting to hear what the outcome will be...I want a new phone, but I really want to know how I got a used local phone being sold as new in Walmart.
The previous owner had his email in there under 'Me', so I sent him a heads up and he's going to contact them as well. Turns out we don't know each other, but we are both mmj patients know a lot of the same people.
Dafuq? Maybe when you signed into your email account, it transferred your information.. logically that's all I can assume.. my phone is encrypted and my contacts are stored on google not my phone.. So let's say if someone found my phone and could unlock it.. they would have to know who they were looking for.
So I bought an $80 Telus 'prepaid' cell phone from Wally World on Monday evening. It came in a factory sealed cardboard package. I take it in to the Telus store the next morning and have it activated but don't get the chance to play with it until yesterday morning. I don't use a phone much and this is my first smart phone, so I start tapping icons. The contact folder pops up and it's full of names...on a supposedly 'new' phone. I scroll through the names and I recognize a bunch as local people...some I've bought weed from! I found my niece and her husband in there and MY old email address I lost the password to 3 years ago! There were quite a few medical marijuana related contacts, including the local cc owner, Natures Botanicals, and others.
So I email a nice letter to Telus and Walmart last night telling them I'm pissed at getting a used was not labeled refurbished...and I'm concerned about the privacy breach. I tell them that I am also worried about someone getting a hold of my phone and me being associated with marijuana...I made them think I was paranoid at someone finding any marijuana links on my phone! I still haven't heard a peep out of Walmart, but Telus is all over it. I waiting to hear what the outcome will be...I want a new phone, but I really want to know how I got a used local phone being sold as new in Walmart.
The previous owner had his email in there under 'Me', so I sent him a heads up and he's going to contact them as well. Turns out we don't know each other, but we are both mmj patients know a lot of the same people.
Lmao. Dude its a smart phone. When you sign in your Gmail it uploads whatever contacts it might know. LOL Telus knows your connect
And people wonder why I won't carry the cell phone...the fucking bank card is enough tracking for me...sending buddy a heads up email...that was a coffee spitter!
I've resisted this long, but I was kinda forced into it to do Camp business... Obviously, I don't really care about references to marijuana, I am just pissed I was scammed into buying a used phone. They have already said they will replace the phone...I just want to see what else they'll give me to forget the fuckup?
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I've resisted this long, but I was kinda forced into it to do Camp business... Obviously. I don't really care about references to marijuana, I am just pissed I was scammed into buying a used phone. They have already said they will replace the phone...I just want to see what else they'll give me to forget the fuckup?
not the first time...I believe Best Buy got in hot water for the same thing.
they could at least employ someone who is smart enough to wipe these phones before reselling them as can they think we are that dumb?
So I bought an $80 Telus 'prepaid' cell phone from Wally World on Monday evening. It came in a factory sealed cardboard package. I take it in to the Telus store the next morning and have it activated but don't get the chance to play with it until yesterday morning. I don't use a phone much and this is my first smart phone, so I start tapping icons. The contact folder pops up and it's full of names...on a supposedly 'new' phone. I scroll through the names and I recognize a bunch as local people...some I've bought weed from! I found my niece and her husband in there and MY old email address I lost the password to 3 years ago! There were quite a few medical marijuana related contacts, including the local cc owner, Natures Botanicals, and others.
So I email a nice letter to Telus and Walmart last night telling them I'm pissed at getting a used was not labeled refurbished...and I'm concerned about the privacy breach. I tell them that I am also worried about someone getting a hold of my phone and me being associated with marijuana...I made them think I was paranoid at someone finding any marijuana links on my phone! I still haven't heard a peep out of Walmart, but Telus is all over it. I waiting to hear what the outcome will be...I want a new phone, but I really want to know how I got a used local phone being sold as new in Walmart.
The previous owner had his email in there under 'Me', so I sent him a heads up and he's going to contact them as well. Turns out we don't know each other, but we are both mmj patients know a lot of the same people.
Sounds like you got some new, free contacts to score weed from, it's all good.
How strange to have your own info pop up, old as it was. Small world, but Wally is big. This would make a great short news story on tv......
How strange to have your own info pop up, old as it was. Small world, but Wally is big. This would make a great short news story on tv......
It was just an old email I used for stuff like Craigslist...maybe where he got it. Initially I thought it may have taken the info from my gmail or whatever, but there are contacts with nicknames and pictures...definitely not mine! I'm going to wait until I see What Telus does but still no response from Walmart. Everyone loves to hate Walmart! lol!
Was in a Walmart for the first time in at least 2 years the other day...nothing changed. Same low end inferior crap they always sold. I may need some peanuts in another 2 years so I'll update you all then.
Same greeter at the door...this guy must be 100 years old by now. He's probably a Walmart Drone.
ya id say it linked also, fuck new technology, its to take your attention from the world shit, it brainwashes you by new tvs and cells and cars and internet bs, avoid it all. ftg
Considering its your 1st smart phone, make sure you didnt sync a old email or contact list. Either way...crazy!!!