Wannabe ScrOG... Pretty Nice Bushes for a First grow

So for my first grow I decided to LST my plants to keep an even canopy (before I learned about ScrOG-style growing) given that I only had fluorescent tubes and two CFLs due to budgetary constraints. I ended up finding a 400w HPS setup for about $140 including shipping. Almost immediately after receiving it I coincidentally discovered ScrOG and decided to flower my babies so I could restart using ScrOG in my next crop. For all intensive purposes I flipped the lights to 12/12 on the first of December. These pictures are from Dec 6th, and pistils are showing. My only minor concern is the yellow color of the new growths. They have been that way essentially the entire time, and they continue to grow. I postulate that it is because of the cold temperature... at night they were hovering between 40-50F. I finally got a little space heater to bump it up, we'll see if it makes any difference. I keep the bulb approximately 8 inches from the tops of the plants. Seems pretty close, but I have a fan blowing directly in between the plants and the light. I've done a hand test and I can comfortably hold my hand right next to the bulb so I think they'll be safe for now, at least until they start stretching in flower.

Plant types: closest to the camera is a FIMmed Purple Diesel clone that I burned immediately after transplanting it. It doesn't look like that one will make it. Im going to try and flush it and hopefully it might pull through. There are four plants soaking up the light's direct light in a square formation... three are my Romulan clones, they're my beast indica plants and have been exploding since they started. The last of the four is a Sour Diesel clone which lagged for a bit but has for the most part caught up. The farthest plant, in the same symmetrical position as the Purple Diesel, is my other Sour Diesel clone, which is doing OK, but not great.

I'm working on a super tight budget, and there are many improvements that would increase my yield, efficiency, and quality. Reflective mylar, proper ventilation, a better light reflector, digital pH/PPM meter, not splitting the shed into half growroom/half storage... the list goes on. Maybe I'll upgrade after I finish paying restitution for some asshole who couldn't take a punch or keep his dignity without pressing charges lol. It's ok though, I'll just smoke my weed and take my anger management :-D

Also, if anyone has any advice for getting rid of fungus gnats, let me know. I've been spraying with Safer Garden Insecticide/Fungicide/Miticide; I have sticky paper hanging; and I am treating my water with GH root bacterial innoculant. My plants continue to thrive, but there are always f*cking gnats in there.

Happy growing, thanks for looking, and I love any kind of input :leaf:




Well-Known Member
The only way to get rid of the bugs is to let the soil dry out. This little bug lies eggs in wet soil. When the top of the soil is dry let it dry for 3 to 5 days longer and they should go away.


Well-Known Member
About fungus gnats.

I had those on my very first grow. I read a technique and tried it and it worked.

1. Get a piece of paper that will cover all your soil.

2. Cut a straight line towards the middle and cut a hole in the middle large enough for the stem to go through.

3. Place the paper over the soil and your gnat problem will be gone.
Thanks! I haven't mixed up my water for a bit so I'll let them dry a little more than usual and see if I can get a paper underneath all that bush lol
Been doing my best to take care of the fungus gnats, and they have basically been quelled, but my tops and new leaves are all still yellow... any advice? We are 17 days into flower

Merry Christmas everybody (or the two people that actually look at this thread) lol. Good thing I'm not in it for the fame.

Thought I'd update to keep my progress posted. We're currently finishing up our fourth week of flower and my babies have exploded. The buds are already big and tight, and my tiny purple diesel clone has recovered after I chopped the burnt growing tips. The two sour diesel clones Are really growing upwards and bushing out, something I didn't expect after seeing their retarded progress in veg. Still have gnats, I'm trying to eradicate by spraying Safer every other day to kill them before they can lay eggs.
